SANIKILL is the most effective technology to prevent Legionella.
It is the first monochloramine water treatment unit that has been designed for industrial and drinking water applications. SANIKILL is a complete patented system for the production and addition of monochloramine for disinfection and control of the colonization of waterborne pathogens in industrial and domestic water plumbing systems.
SANIKILL Technology
SANIKILL Monochloramine technology is the first and only monochloramine-based disinfection system specific fto prevent Legionella.
SANIKILL ensures a substantial decrease of Legionella after monochloramine is fed to the systems.
The SANIKILL technology has demonstrated a complete efficacy against Legionella and other waterborne pathogens

The Sanipur solution
Thanks to its scientific experience, Sanipur developed the SANIKILL monochloramine technology.
Monochloramine is produced in a specially designed reactor by mixing a chlorine precursor with ammonium salt. Chemical additions are made by electromagnetic membrane pumps which are synchronized to reach the best mixing rate in the reactor chamber.
The monochloramine is thus produced and exits the reactor within the flow, which is introduced in the drinking water.
Greater effectiveness
Monochloramine is a more stable oxidant compared to other chlorine-based products.
Thanks to its stability, SANIKILL monochloramine ensures:
- Longer lasting residual throughout the water distribution system;
- Complete biofilm penetration;
- Compatibility with all premise plumbing materials;
- No harmful disinfection by-products formation.